2021-12-10 07:30:44
7.5 10 44442

Season: 5 Episode: 9

Episode Type: Ordinary Episode Title: The Yips and an Oddly Hypnotic Bohemian

Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber
Meet a child genius named Sheldon Cooper; (already seen as an adult in The Big Bang Theory (2007)) and his family. Some unique challenges face Sheldon who seems socially impaired.
  • 25 Sep 2017 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • Steven Molaro, Chuck Lorre Writer:
  • N/A Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

File Name: Young Sheldon.S05E09.The Yips and an Oddly Hypnotic Bohemian.WEB.H264 - 1849 - m

Rating Language Release Name Other Uploader Download
English Young.Sheldon.S05E09.720p.WEB.H264-CAKES
srj45 download

Subtitle Preview:

# Start End Meta data Lines
1 00:00:1.144 00:00:3.082 <i>Previously, on</i&
2 00:00:3.217 00:00:5.709 Billy!Mr. Cooper is here.
3 00:00:7.023 00:00:8.418 How you doing?
4 00:00:8.556 00:00:10.748 Do not lookunder that rock.
5 00:00:12.159 00:00:13.998 But I appreciate youasking.
6 00:00:14.249 00:00:16.108 Hey, you got rejected.
7 00:00:16.193 00:00:18.132 But was itthe end of the world

Subtitle Statistics:

1 Number of units 476
2 Number of lines 686
3 Number of lines per unit 1.44
4 Number of characters 13K
5 Number of characters per line 19.95