Rating | Language | Release Name | Other | Uploader | Download |
English |
The.World.According.to.Jeff.Goldblum.S02E08.1080p.WEB.h264-K... The.World.According.to.Jeff.Goldblum.S02E08.720p.WEB.h264-KO... |
misiek666 | download |
# | Start | End | Meta data | Lines |
1 | 00:00:9.175 | 00:00:11.511 | Hello, my name is Jeff Goldblu | |
2 | 00:00:12.846 | 00:00:13.888 | <i>Motorcycles.</i> | |
3 | 00:00:14.264 | 00:00:18.476 | <i>We think we know what | |
4 | 00:00:19.352 | 00:00:23.732 | There's a lot more to this | |
5 | 00:00:24.232 | 00:00:28.069 | My first memory with motorcycl | |
6 | 00:00:28.194 | 00:00:31.281 | "Don't ride a moto...D | |
7 | 00:00:31.448 | 00:00:32.949 | "to death and misery." |
1 Number of units | 355 |
2 Number of lines | 579 |
3 Number of lines per unit | 1.63 |
4 Number of characters | 16K |
5 Number of characters per line | 27.77 |