2022-03-01 05:00:50
7.1 10 349771

Season: 3 Episode: 6

Episode Type: Ordinary Episode Title: N/A

Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton
In a future where a failed climate change experiment has killed all life except for the survivors who boarded the Snowpiercer (a train that travels around the globe), a new class system emerges.
  • 11 Jul 2014 Released:
  • 21 Oct 201 DVD Release:
  • $4,563,650 Box office:
  • Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand, Jean-Marc Rochette Writer:
  • Bong Joon Ho Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

File Name: Snowpiercer.S03E06.WEBRip.x264-TORRENTGALAXY

Rating Language Release Name Other Uploader Download
English Snowpiercer.S03E06.720p.WEBRip.x265-MiNX
misiek666 download

Subtitle Preview:

# Start End Meta data Lines
1 00:00:45.484 00:00:48.752 <i>- I've been told
2 00:00:48.887 00:00:50.754 <i>that time heals all w
3 00:00:50.889 00:00:52.823 [alarm blaring]
4 00:00:52.958 00:00:55.670 <i>But there's one m
5 00:00:55.694 00:00:59.963 <i>who will never let mi
6 00:01:0.099 00:01:2.877 - What the hell was that?Some
7 00:01:2.901 00:01:4.679 - It's a trap.[timer beepi

Subtitle Statistics:

1 Number of units 800
2 Number of lines 1K
3 Number of lines per unit 1.4
4 Number of characters 22K
5 Number of characters per line 19.87