2021-09-26 09:01:21
7.7 10 16078

Season: 2 Episode: 11

Episode Type: Ordinary Episode Title: N/A

Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, Aasif Mandvi
A skeptical female clinical psychologist joins a priest-in-training and a blue-collar contractor as they investigate supposed miracles, demonic possession, and other extraordinary occurrences to see if there's a scientific explanatio
  • 26 Sep 2019 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • Michelle King, Robert King Writer:
  • N/A Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

File Name: Evil.S02E11.1080p.720p.WEB.H264.x265.ESub

Rating Language Release Name Other Uploader Download
English Evil.S02E11.XviD-AFG
PeradoxSRJ download

Subtitle Preview:

# Start End Meta data Lines
1 00:02:52.949 00:02:54.884 So, what is this about?
2 00:02:54.951 00:02:57.286 No idea.
3 00:02:57.353 00:02:58.921 But it's not an exorcism?
4 00:02:58.988 00:03:0.623 His Eminence said she'll b
5 00:03:0.690 00:03:2.358 the scariest woman that we'
6 00:03:2.425 00:03:5.294 -Seriously?-I don't know.
7 00:03:5.361 00:03:7.530 So, uh, how many days

Subtitle Statistics:

1 Number of units 767
2 Number of lines 969
3 Number of lines per unit 1.26
4 Number of characters 21K
5 Number of characters per line 21.88