2022-03-13 08:31:38
8.4 10 87221

Season: 6 Episode: 8

Episode Type: Ordinary Episode Title: The Big Ugly

Paul Giamatti, Damian Lewis, Maggie Siff
New money means no mercy as Mike Prince takes the Axe Capital throne. Chuck Rhoades is convinced no one should have that much wealth - or power. As all the players seek out new alliances only one thing's for certain - wealth means wa
  • 01 Jan 2016 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • Brian Koppelman, David Levien, Andrew Ross Sorkin Writer:
  • N/A Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

File Name: Billions.S06E08.720p.WEB.x265-MiNX

Rating Language Release Name Other Uploader Download
English Billions.S06E08.720p.WEB.x265-MiNX
misiek666 download

Subtitle Preview:

# Start End Meta data Lines
1 00:00:1.905 00:00:4.342 [Prince]Previously on Billions
2 00:00:4.366 00:00:6.886 [Katerina Brett]The Olympic Ga
3 00:00:6.910 00:00:8.746 are awarded to...
4 00:00:9.496 00:00:10.831 New York City.
5 00:00:10.873 00:00:13.059 - [all cheer]- [Chuck] My gues
6 00:00:13.083 00:00:15.562 somewhere inside thisis a dire
7 00:00:15.586 00:00:17.337 A quid pro quo.

Subtitle Statistics:

1 Number of units 1K
2 Number of lines 1K
3 Number of lines per unit 1.58
4 Number of characters 37K
5 Number of characters per line 20.99