2021-09-18 23:00:29
7.2 10 10324

Season: 17 Episode: 4

Episode Type: Ordinary Episode Title: N/A

Robert Clotworthy, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David Childress
Science and mythology - and how they are the same thing.
  • N/A Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • Kevin Burns Writer:
  • N/A Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

File Name: Ancient.Aliens.S17E04.720p.WEB.h264-BAE

Rating Language Release Name Other Uploader Download
English Ancient.Aliens.S17E04.720p.WEB.h264-BAE misiek666 download

Subtitle Preview:

# Start End Meta data Lines
1 00:00:3.078 00:00:6.730 Narrator: It is a mountain tha
2 00:00:6.823 00:00:8.318 Jack "walking eagle" T
3 00:00:8.342 00:00:9.894 That peopleare really unaware
4 00:00:9.918 00:00:11.730 But I believe itcause I seen i
5 00:00:11.754 00:00:13.587 Narrator:For centuries,
6 00:00:13.739 00:00:16.757 Extraordinary sightings havebe
7 00:00:16.851 00:00:19.667 And in the sky above.

Subtitle Statistics:

1 Number of units 844
2 Number of lines 1K
3 Number of lines per unit 1.77
4 Number of characters 32K
5 Number of characters per line 21.62