2024-02-07 05:03:23

Tyke Elephant Outlaw (2015)

7.4 10 662
Bryan Akita, Pam Burns, Cathy Goeggel
This is the gripping and emotionally charged story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage in Honolulu in 1994, killed her trainer in front of thousands of spectators and died in a hail of gunfire. Her break for freedom ...
  • 18 Apr 2015 Released:
  • 04 Apr 201 DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Susan Lambert, Stefan Moore Director:
  • N/A Website:



All subtitles:

Rating Language Release Name Other Uploader
Arabic Tyke Elephant Outlaw web zoubir_alger